The Method
Our theatrical- anthropological method aims at exploring the modes of expression as well as at developing expressive skills in order to train theatre animators and actors. Fundamental source of expression is the human body in all situations and kinesiological forms, silence and stillness, voice and speech. Emphasis is given to group dynamics for understanding otherness where body and voice improvisation through play, spontaneity, bodily expression and question is a basic technique for approaching a theatrical role and its behavior and motives. Texts create a context of situations where speech is developed and becomes a significant act.
Democritus University of Thrace
Drama teaching is characterized by its scientific and artistic essence which means that its structuring by the teacher requires knowledge about theatre both as theory and practice. It also requires the ability to animate a group in terms of art and pedagogy. Therefore, theatre education must be conducted by educators- animators who will be able to teach by animating a dramatic context as well as to play in role. Consequently, educating students and teachers requires their experiential involvement in theatre animation. Workshops in our theatre lab in Democritus University of Thrace assure the systematic theatre education of our students since they enable them to search for theoretical and practical issues of theatre. Students familiarize themselves with various innovative methods and develop the proper psychological, social and artistic / stage skills (reflective, expressive and communicative).
Pafsis Theatre Lab
Theatre Pedagogy defines its principles and purposes taking into account findings of psychology, pedagogy and social sciences. The psychological approach of Theatre Pedagogy gives us the opportunity to interpret and comprehend creation and animation in theatrical context from a psychoanalytical, phenomenological, humanitarian, socio-cognitive point of view.
In Pafsis theatre lab we develop our theatrical experience in the context of the group in an experiential way. This is understood through an interpersonal, social, reflective, lingual and kinesthetic dimension, elements which are an integral part of the intended dramatic development and theatrical apprenticeship of the participants. The empathic grasp of the “Other” constitutes a priority of Pafsis Theatrical Group in a way that otherness is placed in the core of theatrical research.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Simos Papadopoulos graduated from the department of Primary Education and earned a Ph.D from the Faculty of Philosophy, both at the University of Athens. His Ph.D thesis has the title: “The Use of Drama and its Implications in Teaching in the Course of Language in Primary School”. Currently, he is Assistant Professor of Theatre Pedagogy at the department of Primary Education of the Democritus University of Thrace and drama animator. His work focuses on drama and pedagogic research and writing. He has published in journals and collective volumes, edited academic books, attended national and international scientific conferences, as instructor or presenter and has participated in research programs and committees. Two of his most noteworthy studies are: “Drama Language: Using Inquiry Drama on Language Teaching” (Kedros Editions, 2007) and “Theatre Pedagogy” (2010). He is particularly interested in theatre pedagogy, drama teaching, drama text analysis, theatre for young people, in Brecht’s and Chekhov’s plays etc.
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